December 8, 2010

James Residence, Side Yard Work, Bothell, WA

Our hard work and persistance is getting noticed by our friends and neighbors. Impressed by our approach to home improvement, IESpace Design gets its first request for an outdoor project.
This house belongs to our neighbors who are a busy working couple.
Requirement: The yard had to be cleared of weeds, external walls getting splashed by muddy rain water had to be prevented. The front yard had to be protected for the winter.

The entire yard was freed from weeds. After leveling the ground 8”x8” gray concrete pavers were laid providing adequate slope for draining water away from the building on the side yards.
Challenge: The width along the length of the side yard varied, because of which whole pavers could not be laid. Also the drain and cables running from the ground posed a challenge to lay contineous pavers.
Design Solution: The entire yard was weeded. After leveling 8”x8” gray concrete pavers were laid providing adequate slope for draining water away from the building on the side yards. As cutting pavers was not economical, river stones were used to pack and prevent lateral movement. 4”x8” red bands are given to break the monotonous look and add a rhythemic design factor along the side walks. Sand was used to pack the pavers together.

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