December 8, 2010

SW Pre-school Office redesign, Everett, WA

Proposed - Furniture Layout,
Clearly seperating areas according to the function

Proposed Focal point - Poster of Black and white children's
pictures (elders guiding the children, symbolic of montessori) 
in the background with a water fountain


Proposed: In order to bring in visual order, storage cabinets
of the same color and shelf heights were propsed with artifacts representing mentoring to be placed above it. A private notice board for the staff in a corner away from public access, A planter in liven up the dead space


Proposed  - Corridor space, emphasis on de-cluttering,
signages explaining the importance of each area and action.
The flowing colors on the wall connects the entrance
to the respective rooms




I redesigned the office space for Abhay's Pre-school at almost no added expense to their annual budget. Making use of everything they already had on campus I reorganized the space, by de-cluttering it and making it more functional and aesthetically appealing. Everybody in the school (Principal, staff, students included) are made to feel important by allocating a special place for their respective functions. Focal points ...are created to reinforce the idea of teacher and student bonding relationship. Design principles from Feng shui and Vaastu shastra are adapted to enhance positive flow of energy. Colour is used to emphasize a space in an open planning.

This whole redesigning process was meant to be an advertisement of a
live project for my website, where the Principal would just let me use
photographs of the school along with proposed sketches. But she was so

impressed looking at my plan and design proposal that she decided to
execute it. It will take her a couple of weeks to wrap it all up. Will soon post pictures of the same. The Principal and myself are very excited by all the positive feedback that we are getting from staff, parents and kids! Would say this is just a small step in the long journey for "IE Space Design LLC".








Proposed - Waiting area for Children with writing board,
planter, fish tank, learning toys, notice board with the
school's motto, staff/class pictures. The short furniture devides/defines this space,
yet keeping it as a part of the room. Colors of furniture,
accessories and wall coordinates with the room.

1 comment:

  1. Love your sketches Shruthi! Wish I can have a space designed by you some day!
