December 8, 2010

Type A Fence separating the side yards from the front:


Before - House without fence
invited tress passers to
the adjacent water bodies
Requirement: Due to the very location there was an urgent need for a fence around the property to keep the tress-passers away.

 Limitations: The HOA regulations required that the extent of the 6’ and 3’ fences follow the lines set out to the north side by the builder. The design had to replicate the existing partial fence.

3' fence on the SE side

 Challenge: Following the 6’ high fence would mean giving up on a large functional part of the side-yard. Following the 3’ high fence line would compromise on privacy.

 Solution: Design and color permits were taken from the HOA for both fence types. 3’ fence line was followed to maximize the utility of the side yard. Evergreen trees were planted  for visual privacy above. This also muffs the vehicular noise from the road side. To reinforce the privacy 5’ tall dense flowering bushes along the fence line is scheduled to be added next spring.

After - 3' fence on NE side

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